Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Leon Garcia ES holds Backyard Encampment

Ma'am Donna A. Sollano officially opened the camping with a bash of confetti.

Camping plus fun equals learning. . . .
Let's do the scouting way!

   Scouting spells learning. Indeed! Boy Scouts, Junior Girl Scouts, Kawan, Stars, Kid Scouts and Twinklers of Leon A. Garcia Sr. Elementary School had a great learning fun-filled activities in this 3-day School Backyard Encampment. "Lingaw kaayo Ma'am (It was really fun, Ma'am)," said Ericka Palao ( a junior scout). Most of the time, you would hear scouts saying the phrase "First Time!" This was because there were series of sets of activities that they had experience first only in this encampment. And this was made possible through the leadership of Mrs. Donna A. Sollano, an expert and trainer in scouting plus the active troop leaders of Leon A. Garcia Sr. Elementary School.

Active troop leaders during the staff presentation.

   Let's learn to dance (Isayaw mo to da Max). Agodo dance, its a simple dance all level of scouts felt energized as they moved their whole body. The music itself sounds fun, that's why every body loved it. The troop leaders joined with the scouts and showed their best moves, too .

Boys and girls enjoyed the Agado dance.

    Pajama Party. Almost every day, each one of us socialize with other people; classmates and neighbors. But this time, we did it the scouting way! Mixed we go to form the friendship and be with other scouts (be it with girls or boys). This activity taught the scouts not only to be Mr. or Miss Congeniality but to be gender sensitive. That all scouts are equal, boy and girl; equal in talent, equal in tasking and equal in happiness. Each team formed shouted their best yells. It was also a night of unlimited talents. Later, the scouts enjoyed "Paborito ng Bayan", disco-disco.
I like it groovin, groovin!

Twinklers and stars on the move with Tita Emeluna P. Orongan.

   Balabag Expedition. Early morning, boy scouts and girl scouts woke early, did the revelries and cleaned the gym. Afterwhich, they ventured to a thrilling hiking activity at the Balabag site (We have no idea that across the bridge is a truly promising Mother Nature sight). Scouts lined up and performed their challenge as they passed each station; there was a challenge to dance, to sing, to conduct community clean up and reciting the BSP & GSP law. Scouts themselves worked together to trek trail with a map (Quite an experience!) But all the sweat were drained upon witnessing Mothers Nature landscape of tall trees and clear cascading river water. The sound of the flowing river  played a mellow music so pleasant to ears. Truly, a best way to appreciate and relax what nature could offer us. And mind you, it was set just across the bridge in the middle of a busy Davao City.
Patrol posed for a while waiting for tita jovy to check their spelled "scout" with their shoes.
Camper Allyza Faye Omega recited the Scout's Law as one of the Challenges.

    Ala-Master Chef. Scouting per se is about survival. And one of the activity was the outdoor cooking challenge. Patrols both Boys and Girls dug the ground, laid stones and placed their foiled-wrapped picadillo. They themselves prepared the mixture with the guidance of troop leaders. They covered it with sand, built fire and then, an egg barbecue?! Yes! scouts grilled their egg over the fire which underneath laid the picadillo. "Isn't is amazing? isn't it exciting?" exclaimed Danver Veroy (Boy Scout). And when their lunch were cooked, together they enjoyed their delicious meals prepared by them.

This is the hard way to cook but the most promising one. We did it our way!

Pecadillo preparation.
   Best friends Forever. Out of the trash old magazines, girls themselves lavished and decorated their neck and wrist with necklace and bracelet. Really! girls were able to produce necklace and bracelet out from the old magazines. They shimmered it colorless and alas! they looked fantastic on the craft they had finished. Some exchanged their work with other girl scouts just like a friendship bond, empowering in them the scouts' law that says "A girl scout is a friend to all and a sister to every other girl scout."
         "Sinong bestfriend mo doon? Syempre ikaw lang!these were the lines of two girls as they exchanged their friendship bond bracelet.

Tita Jean taught the girls to be rich in craft.
   Superheroes. The cute little twinklers to kawan scouts wore their best superheroes costume. They dance and walked like models showing their best pose. They were so happy and you could really see that they enjoyed each moment while wearing their costume. Troop leaders also did their super heroes attire. This activity taught the participants to enliven the good nature of the super heroes they were portraying. Scouter Evelyn B. Sullano told the children that we don't need super heroes because we, in our selves are already heroes by doing good deeds to others.

Justice League of LGES.
Bhay Kubo song.
   Campfire (Filipino Culture). Scouting won't be complete without camp fire. "Give me fire from the north, south and east!, shouted Scouter Manuel A. Andayan Jr. as they made a story line before they set the fire. He and Sir John
Cabreros even played a tribal war  to show how the camp fire evolved. Boys and girls circled in the big fire set by the Boy Scouts. They sang the traditional songs and later showcased their best group talents featuring the Filipino Culture. One group danced a folk dance to the tune of "Bahay Kubo", next group interpreted a folk song with choreography, another group had a role play showing the different Filipino Values and one group recited a speech choir about being a true Filipino. All were reminded how beautiful our culture is and promised to preserve our cultures. The troop leaders swayed on a Muslim dance which campers awed because they have witnessed and must believe that their teachers could move and dance too.

Camp fires burning, camp fires burning. . . .

Tita Gina Nomio posed with camper Camille Mahumot during the camp fire.
    Scouts Own (Peace). Every thing is possible with God, that is why we should give honor to Thee in every thing we do. 4:30 in the morning, scouts entered the gate of silence and asked the Lord for peace through song, verse, prayer and reflections. To some, this was their first time but to most girl scouts, this was their way of fellowship. There was silence and only the light of the candle illuminated the gym. It was totally awesome and refreshing according to one of the campers.

The Silence during the scouts own.

Girl Scouts did their best in law relay.
    Laro ng Lahi. The girl scouts went to Camp Corazon to join the Girl Scout Council Rally. They were accompanied by Tita Elna Puerto, Tita Jean M. Taguiang, Tita Ginaliza M. Nomio, Tita Fe S. Omega and Tita Miira S. Ellevera. Girls were grouped and they played the different events such as knot tying, law relay, message relay and loop relay. Some of the patrol won and cherished; others lost yet they still cherished the moments. It is because girl scouts by nature practice sportsmanship in every games. What matter most was they enjoyed. As what Camper Camille Mahumot had said' (Happy lang walang ending," and she giggled. But the most promising part was a group of girl scouts (Camille Mahumot, Creselda Ebo, Ericka Palao, Rosa Caliwang, Ana Marie Jovillo, Villegas and Mary Rose Deleguer) were able to take home the beacon. They won in the Gadget Making Contest and one of their gadgets was awarded as the Most Innovative Gadget. Other patrol also won in knot tying (second place) and Law Relay (second Place). Every body was so delighted for their accomplishments.

Busy as a bees. Girls showed their talents in gadget making contest.
    The camping ended with a closing program. Every body was tired but felt great with the learning they have earned through scouting. The campers went home with sleepy eyes but if one would start talking about the camping, those eyes turned so bright and filled with joy. Truly in scouting, the fun never cease and learning continue to flow.

Camper Allyza Faye received her certificate during the closing ceremony.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

LGES celebrates BSP & GSP Week Celebration

Kid Scout recited their rededication while
 a Star Scout waited for her turn.

 September 17, 2015. It's a day worth to remember. It's a Girl Scout Week but the Boy Scouts solemnly joined in the celebration. Three important events were enjoined together: Escoda Memento Day, Tito & Tita Day and Uniform inspection. 

Even young kid scouts did their
share during Escoda Memento Day.
    Ecsoda Memento Day. Pupils lined up both girls and boys to offer donations in commemoration of the birthday of the founder of Girl Scouting in the Philippines, Josefa Llanes Escoda. Ma'am Donna Sollano facilitated the ceremony. She explained first the purpose of this ceremony in which the donation would be given to the Escoda Fund to support the different activities of Girl Scouting.

Tita Miira with her special snacks.

     Tito and Tita Day. Teachers called Tito and Titas for this day. They were honored by giving special snacks and flowers from all the pupils who loved and cared for them. It was a fun activity for pupils indeed flocked in every teacher showing their affection in return for the learnings they have gained through their Titos and Titas.

Girl Scouts on the move for neckerchief
 tying lesson by Tita Donna.
        Uniform Inspection. This day had made every Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts thrilled. It was the first time that they would experience Uniform Inspection. Girl scouts and Boy scouts fixed their uniforms properly and stood straight  while the troop leaders inspected their proper wearing of uniforms. They were reminded of several tips on proper wearing of uniform. Everybody sighed after the inspection (sign of relief) but it was a great learning both from the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts and the troop leaders as well. This was also facilitated by Ma'am Donna A. Sollano.

Monday, September 14, 2015

AFFLIP eyes on Health and Nutrition

Sir Ali asks the scholars on how well the AFFLIP have
 been helping them in their studies.

    September 14, 2015 (3:30 PM). It was a rainy day but the weather did not wither Sir Ali Douglas from visiting our school for the second time around. He was glad to see the faces of six scholars who welcomed him upon his arrival. Of course, Ma'am Donna A. Sollano accommodated Sir Ali who wished to see the area for the proposed box garden. 

Proposed area for box garden.
   Leon A. Garcia Sr. Elementary School has a school area of more 2,000 sq. meter. And is frequently flooded especially during heavy rains. Garden plots and container gardens were often left devastated. Thus, LGES is hoping for box gardens in such a way that the pupils would have chances to harvest fresh and healthy vegetables. These vegetables will be the main ingredients for the school-based feeding program. In this way, the box garden could be of big help in minimizing malnutrition among the identified recipients of the feeding program. Moreover, the said box garden could also be used as lessons laboratory for EPP and other subjects for lessons integrations.

Pleasant talk with Sir Ali.
    Sir Ali came to Talomo District to focus on the possible assistance which the AFFLIP could extend in terms of Health and Nutrition flagship program. And LGES is hoping to be one of the hopeful recipients. 

Farewell Sir Glen; Welcome Ma'am Donna

Turn-over Ceremony of Sir Glen and Ma'am Donna.

     July 25, 2015. Today, the Leon A. Garcia Sr. Elementary School bade farewell to our very own Sir Glen L. Pardillo. He will be transferring to Catalunan Grande Elementary School. Sir Glen L. Pardillo had been with LGES for almost four years. During his stay at Leon A. Garcia Sr. ES, he had contributed significantly to pupils and schools development. His a person with a good golden heart.

  But this day, marked the beginning of something amazing years with Ma'am Donna A. Sollano. She was the principal of Generoso Elementary School. And she will be the new principal of LGES. Ma'am Donna is a hardworking principal, and surely Leon A. Garcia Sr. Elementary School would blossom  and grow too like what she did to GES. . .  
Sir Glen as he watched the farewell video prepared by LGES Teachers.

Farewell Sir Glen .. .  and Welcome to you Ma'am Donna!

Turn-over ceremenony of Sir Glen at Catalunan Grande ES.

A pose with our new principal, Ma'am Donna Sollano.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Nutrition Month Celebration promotes Healthy Life Style


Mrs. Patrona prepared her healthy fruit and vegetable sald.


     July 31, 2015. It's healthy month here at Leon A. Garcia Sr. Elementary School. Pupils, teachers and parents collaboratively work to promote healthy living and healthy lifestyle. 
   Different activities were prepared to culminate the Nutrition Month Celebration. There were class food display, parent's cooking challenge, pupil's cooking contest and zumba dance.

     Everybody did enjoy the activities. Pupils, teachers, parents and community learned the importance of healthy living and healthy lifestyle.

Winner of the Parent's Cooking Challenge

Class food display of Grade V

Little chef of Grade III during their class food display.

Participant of Pupils Cooking Challenge

Poster Making Contest

Althea Salazar, winner of Poster making Contest (Promary Level)