Saturday, June 25, 2016

Welcome to LGES!

A welcome program to the Kindergartens and transferees.

Mrs. Donna A. Sollano welcome the kindergartens and transferees with a warm heart.

      June 13, 2016. Starting the school year right! And to that, the LGES prepared a special welcome program to them. According to LGES principal, Mrs. Donna A. Sollano, this the best way the each kindergarten and transferee would feel comfortable upon their entrance to the school. And at the same time they would be informed of the school's rules and regulations through her ABCs which stood for A, attitude; B, Basura; C, cleanliness;D, damit or proper groomed; I, Identification Card; P, plants and S, school.

     Several special presentation by the talented LGES pupils were presented to give to the most hospitality of the school and showed that LGES have plenty of talents.

Ms. Perin, daugther of former LGES teacher, Mrs. Perin gave school materials to the pupils who are assigned to the former room of her mother.
"Welcome to the Family"
Attentive kinder pupil.
Mrs. Jessica A. Laguitao posed for a while before the singing of the national Anthem.

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